The kuffar also know Asad is not a muslim. We know the kuffar installed these dynasties and obviously the kuffar don't want an islamic government but sometimes we give the kuffar powers too much credit. They are not hazir and nazir. They are not ALLAH. They cannot do anything without HIS permission. Brother you cannot blame the Syrian muslims. If you know how much the kuffar alawi regime has done to suppress Islam you would be surprised that there are people who still uphold religion in Syria. The ummah is awakening and we should make a lot of dua. These tyrants like ghaddafi, asad, ben ali, mubarak did their best to wipe out islam from the people but ALLAH taught them a lesson. There is inshallah great hope that the regimes who come into power in the near future inshallah shall be better than the tyrants I have mentioned. I mean Ben Ali the dog banned hijab, ghadafi stopped muslims from going to a masjid too often (fajr was especially a problem), the pharoah Mubarak kept on insulting islam etc etc.