Is Martyrdom Possible in this day and age?
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03-11-2012, 07:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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brother, do consider the following as to wether it will be allowed
in Islam, the law of the land one lives in has to be obeyed
jihad is fardh on the immediate country people that is attacked, thus in Afghanistan, jihad is fardh on Afghani's living in that country, etc,; if the men participating in jihad in that country is not enough to fight the enemy, then jihad becomes fardh on the muslims of the neighbouring countries, and then on their neighbours etc,
in muslim countries these days, it is not a matter of shortage of men that is delaying a win over the enemy, but it is lack of sophisticated weopons
thus if you live in a western country; does the law of that land allow you to go to jihad?; and if not is it right to break the law of the land and go to a non-obligatory jihad?
if one is to meet Allah, they should be sure they meet him in a halaal way inshAllah!
breaking the law of a country in such a way could be a trecherous act according to Islam
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