Why so complicated?
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02-08-2012, 07:00 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Why so complicated?
Seriously... my head hurts trying to navigate all these posts (and differences) under the heading "Sunni Forum". Has Sunni Islam become this complicated? Necessitating the guidance of others, deeming Islamic knowledge almost untouchable, segregating women. The Islam I came to know and love is
for everyone (regardless of background, prior knowledge or sex).
Show of hands - are you as dumbfounded by the state of our community as I am? A sister posted a wonderful poem very recently... I shall hunt it down here, in the SF jungle and thank her.
I came here to feel a sense of community, unity, ummah; presently, I feel dis-unity and confusion. For now, I'll stick to reading the Qur'an, learning as much as I can about seerah and making decisions within those limits. I'll also continue to post whenever possible since I can't enter the "sister's only" section until I've met a certain obligation (this is a little exclusionary and I wonder why it is part of the rules here?).
JazakAllah for listening.
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