The danger of the traditionalists
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10-11-2011, 08:49 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Coming back to the topic, let's lists some of the
obsessions-leitmotives of the "traditionalist sub-culture social group"
(as the "salafi sub-culture too has one):
The mythical lands of Sham
", which serves as an essential tools for "modern evolved Barelwis" to downplay the "Indian (Deobandi)Hanafis" as some kind of "ignorant, 'Ajami, semi-Wahhabi bigots", highlighting the difference that "Arab Hanafis" have with them - without taking into consideration the political climate of tyranny and oppression which close the mouths of the 'ulama' (see:
The mythical ijazah system
", which takes no account of the huge changes and problems it has recently gone through (see:
dichotomy between "interior" and "exterior"
: instead of promoting the working on both (as is the Sunnah way and that of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah), a fracture is being "created" by which if someone is "too much picky" with the "exterior apparences" (which may also mean the
following of Shari'ah in itself
) it automatically means he's an "exteriorist" who gives no attention to the healing of his "inner self", to the purification of the nafs, and so on. Either you're a Wahhabi exteriorist (with exterior Sunnah), or you are a wise laxist Sufi (with claims of following the interior Sunnat,
a claim which hardly resists the test of the confrontation against their double standards and personal attacks
); that's why Deobandis - who masha'Allah are precise on all the Sunnat are almost classified as "Wahhabies", and thus the "wise traditionalist Sufi" can freely entertain in his mind the thought of being superior (which is against in contrast with their claim to purity).
I may add others when I remember, insha'Allah.
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