There's a difference between 'uniting with kuffar' and recognising our weaknesses so to overcome them. Working alongside Barelwis and Salafis to achieve a mutual goal for the betterment of Muslims is a sign of humility and sincerity. We've worked with Barelwis on many projects and it has been beneficial many times. As for uniting with the Muslims...just because you talk to them and work with them on some issues, this doesn't mean you are one of them. You cannot live in a non Muslim country and have an attitude where you're always thinking every time I see a bloody kafir I want to chop his head off. You work with them where there is a need and give them dawah, show them true Islam as opposed to radical versions and this challenges the stereotype. You don't compromise your beliefs and values and maintain your dignity. If someone can't do that, then maybe the only solution for them is to live in a country where everyone is Muslim, everyone is Deobandi and everyone is on the straight and narrow. Now I'm sure there'll be loads of people calling me a hypocrite or brainwashed or implying that I love kuffar more than Muslims along with a few other sentiments expressed but I've never understood this mentality of some of the SF brethren who demand we either literally or mentally spit in the face of everyone who is different from us. They take a one dimensional approach to the sunnah way of cooperating with the nonmuslims and forget the many pacts the Muslims had with the non Muslims during the Prophet's :saw: lifetime and the many dealings the sahabahs had with the Jews and idolaters of Makkah and Madina. mmb, how's that for a rant? =) Br. Umar, sorry to spoil the thread!