Ameen, Ameen, Ameen. May Allah give strength to the protesters & accept the shahadat of those who have sacrificed themselves. May He, offer sabr to those that did not & are not obtaining martyrdom, yet are prepared to seek it, to allow their children to be able to be Muslims. May He weaken & humiliate Assad & his henchmen - just as he is ordering his soldiers to force Muslim prisoners to recite that , "there is no god but Assad", I pray that if guidance to Islam is not for him, that Allah allows the Muslims of Syria to prologue his suffering and make him suffer, the entire pain he has dished out on the Ummah. There are countless videos on youtube & other sources, where the solders are arresting young bearded men, and they rip out their beard hair one by one, whilst taunting them, "where is your Allah, now?" This is just what is happening on the street corners, in front of everyone ( & the 'least' painful act of mental & physical torture that I've read or heard about - only Allah knows how they are playing & toying with the lives of Muslims behind closed doors. Many of us cannot do anything physically, so please do dua for all our brothers & sisters, that are being oppressed that Allah releases His Mercy over Shaam. Ameen.