He is Javed Ahmad Ghamidi. He is a learned Islamic scholar from Pakistan but now living in Malaysia. His interpretation is different than mainstream Islam practiced in Pakistan and hence he had to flee because Pakis are just too dumb to tolerate other views. Anyways , coming to the point ....Is parda (covering) of hairs compulsory in Islam? Javed Ahmed Ghamidi says that there is no such command in Islamic Shari'a. There are four aspects of parda of Muslim women 1- Have 'Hayah' in their eyes (that is ..don't search for and look at opposite sex with lust) 2- Should wear decent/clean dress and remain dignified/presentable. 3-Women should cover their chest too. They should wear loose clothings so that their chest does not become "prominent" 4-Women should not show-off their beauty and fashion to others. So what you guys say? Many people in Pakistan don't respect him and say that he rejects hadith...He NEVER said that he reject hadiths...I kinda like this guy.... So where in Islam it is explicitly stated that women has to cover their hairs all the time? A rational/dignified discussion will be abuse. Thanks