Scholars usually take the cautious route when giving out their fatawa. If the person was truly intent on changing his or her madhhab, then he may have been able to ask his local scholars. Furthermore, Ask Imam is a public fatwa website. If a person is asking about his personal issues on such a website, then he has to expect the answers to not be catered for him alone - unless the person specifies his details and specifics. If the person doesn't want to share, is it fair to expect a Mufti to give a fatwa that gives the person a rukhsa or a general fatwa since the website is read by people who would make statements like those hypotheticals I stated in my last post? People also seek out ulama so that they can get answers, not so that they be redirected elsewhere. The latter only happens in person but when it is something as impersonal as a fatwa website, then what can you expect?