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Old 03-10-2012, 09:12 PM   #5

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Nov 2005
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Yes, most people have been born into this situation and their culture has made them behave in this way, we could say they are not really conscious of what they are doing, they are simply going along with the way things are. This is why we need to be forgiving and merciful, people are feeling powerless and they cover it up with 'pride'. Of course the corporations gain more workers when women are induced to make careers their life purpose...most families now need both parents to work so mortgages can be paid...what a sad existence being presented to us as epitomizing freedom...and of all people Muslims ought to be intellectually protected from this way of seeing and being in the world. Working for a small wage so we can pay interest on debts is not freedom, it is slavery. People are trying to escape from this relentless dread, by consuming and further fuelling the great society of slavery to trap others. Our taxes go towards paying interest on the National Debt. Islamic taxes never reached such high levels. Non Muslims in many cases preferred Muslim rule, because Jizya tax was low and their 'national debts' were written off when Muslims ruled. Islam = worship of Allah = freedom.

We ought to know this our young men and women ought to understand this without getting caught up in the false propaganda of 'freedom' where Islam is portrayed as being primitive. Islam is the only protection we have against this destructive way that we are all being pressured into following.

Women at home in isolated suburban and urban houses is also not good, we need communities of women who can help one another to build strong families and communities. Exhausted men and women after a days work collapsing in front of the TV and children glued to their computer games in separate rooms leads to alienation and separation.

We should try to teach our children about what is actually going on, guide them, and give them the tools to resist.

If people stuck to traditional gender roles and family values, a lot of problems would be solved. For example, in America, you have young, single women entering the workforce. These girls are hired by companies who have quotas to employ women, so they might be hired over men who are equally or more qualified. They live by themselves, and take home a high salary which is squandered on luxuries for themselves. Similarly, young men who work and live by themselves spend all their earnings on themselves.

Now, if that young man and that young woman had gotten married, with the man working and the woman taking care of the house and kids, then the salary for one job would have provided for an entire family, and not been squandered on luxury items. Moreover, the other job would then be freed up for another young man upon whom providing for his family is an obligation. More jobs to go around for those who need them, and less waste.
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