It would be ideal if man works and wife takes care of house and kids, however, this model is breaking apart due to greed and rapid increase in cost of living. We now see most Muslim men of marriageable age seeking a professional spouse so that they can affort a decent house, a car and be able to comfortably afford other luxuries in life. There is a reason why houses and other commodities have become so expensive, its to make it impossible to be able to afford them on single earner income. This could be a blessing in disguise for our Muslim youths, they can stay with their parents and start a new family from there, but, you know the state of Ummah, no one is willing to give the other their due (hukooq), while everyone wants to get the most out of the others. This whole inflation of assest and commodities in this decade will have a profound impact on the lives of young Muslims who will be entering the workforce soon. They will have to make many important decisions which probably the generations before them did had to make as it was easy to survive on just one income.