as salaam alakim! im shocked at this fatwa from a salafi shaykh,i think its Shaykh Mujjad, he sees us sufis as non muslims,like shias?:
Sufis are of various kinds with various schools of thought, most of which follow innovation and deviant ways of various kinds. Some of them exceed the proper bounds to the extent of associating others with Allaah, may He be exalted, such as praying to the dead, turning to them to relieve distress and ward off calamity Including: 1 – If she is one of those who commits shirk in belief or in deeds, such as one who believes that the awliya’ (“saints”) have knowledge of the unseen and have control over the universe, or she believes in incarnation of the divine or the unity of all things, or she devotes worship to something other than Allaah, such as du’aa’, seeking help, sacrifices or vows, then it is not permissible to marry such a woman, because she has committed major shirk – Allaah forbid.