Acts of kufr don't necessarily make you a disbeliever. Anthropomorphism is kufr but we don't lable salafis disbelievers.... A Muslim who prays five times a day is renewing shahadah at least five times a day.... Perhaps through this renewal Allah will forgive us all for our known and unknown acts kufr that we commit all the times... Allah's mercy exceeds His wrath.... And it is not though acts that we will be saved but through Allah's mercy... So I personally don't consider him a kafir... He is Muslim with some imperfections... So he is no different then any other Muslim in my eyes... Because I haven't met a perfect Muslim.... And Allah knows best.
The deen is simply... I don't try and make things complex... Allah shows mercy to those who are merciful... So I try to be merciful... I don't judge anyone a disbeliever who has said, "la ilaha illallah Muhammadan rasullah." that decree is between them and Allah. All I know is I won't be saved by my deeds... But only through Allah's mercy will I be saved.... So anything where I can get His mercy on my side that's what I'm aiming for... I'm not saying you have to agree with me...* If people want to sit up here and reflect and draw analogies as to why this person or that person is a disbeliever... That's fine... But for me, I try to find as many excuses I can to make everyone a believer... I try to figure out ways that it possible for everybody to be forgiven... That's my personality...