A Question about Seyyed Hosein Nasr
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03-10-2012, 04:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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Your understanding of 'Aqidah is seriously warped.
The day Allah makes you "master of the day of judgement" is the day I'll be concerned about what you think of my aqidah.
That's not about personality, nor about being kind/tolerant/easy-going, that's about 'aqidah.
Saying "la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah" is not enough if at the same time one holds beliefs who contradict even just one of the necessarily-known-by-everyone basics of Islamic belief (i.e. daruriyat ad-Din): in such cases one will still be considered a kafir.
Look at the wars of apostasy conducted by Hadrat Abu Bakr
against those who refused to pay/denied the zakah: those people called themselves Muslims, said the Shahadah, even performed prayers and fast, but still,
they were considered as non-Muslims/kuffar by the ijma' of the Sahabah
, due to their negation of a basic element of our Din. Mu'adh Ibn Jabal narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,
"If anyone disgraces his brother for a sin, he will not die before committing it himself."
The Messenger of Allah also said,
"It is sufficient evil for a Muslim that he should look down upon his brother. The life, wealth, and honor of a Muslim are inviolable by another Muslim"
[Sahih Muslim].
Unless you show me a hadith which specifically states perennialism makes you a disbeliever, I will not dishonor anyone who say, "la Ilaha illallah Muhammad rasullah," because this is what makes you Muslim, and every Muslims has a their rights... And I will not dishonor that right because you or some scholar says so....
On the day of judgement, I will be there before my Lord, alone...
If you want to make me a disbeliever or a sinner or deviant because I won't call someone else a disbeliever because of a sin they have committed that is fine... because you are not my Lord.... I do not have to answer to you...
1) I think your analogy is flawed, the pillars of Islam are not the same thing as what is necessarily known to be part of the religion, the later being subjective... and differs between person to person and era to era...
And Allah knows best.
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