Ibn Mas'ud(ra) & Loud Zikr: Shaykh Faraz explains.
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04-18-2011, 03:19 PM
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After having enumerating certain verses of the Holy Qur’an, mention is now made of certain Ahadith relating to the subject of Zikr some of which are of a general nature (whether loud/soft, masjid/home, etc.) and some are quite specific i.e. Zikr in the Masjid or loud Zikr, which will be alluded to under the explanation of the said Ahadith. Ten Ahadith have been selected for this section.
Hadith 1:
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates from Rasulullah(saws) that there is a group of angels who patrol the earth and wherever they find any
gathering of Zikr
they call out to each other and form a circle around this gathering that reaches to the sky. When this
disperses, they return to the sky where they are questioned by Allah Ta’ala, although He is All-knowing: Where have you come from? They reply: We come
from a gathering of Your servants who are engaged in Tasbeeh, Takbeer and Tahmeed
. Allah Ta’ala asks them: Have they seen Me? The angels reply: No. Allah Ta’ala asks: And what if they had seen Me? They reply: Then they would have engaged even more excessively in Your Ibadah and in Tasbeeh (glorifying of) You. Allah Ta’ala says: What are they asking for? They reply: They ask of You Jannah. Allah Ta’ala then asks: Have they seen Jannah? The angels reply: No. Allah Ta’ala asks: And what if they had seen Jannah? They reply: Then they would have been even more desirous, eager and keen for it. Allah Ta’ala says: What are they seeking refuge from? They reply: They ask refuge from the Fire (of Hell). Allah Ta’ala asks: Have they seen the Fire? The angels reply: No. Allah Ta’ala asks: And what if they had seen it? They reply: Then they would have tried harder to escape from it and they would have been more fearful of it. Allah Ta’ala says: I make you witness that I have pardoned them. One angel exclaims: A certain person was not from them. He came (coincidentally) for some work. Allah Ta’ala says: They are such a people that even those who sit with them (for other work) will not be deprived.
– Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Baihaqi
Shaikh Zakariyya’s
commentary on this Hadith:
This subject has also been narrated in numerous other traditions that the angels look for, listen to and sit with the ’gatherings‘ of Zikr.
Hadith 2:
Mu’awiyah (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) once came forth to meet a group of the Sahabah. He said: What has caused you
to congregate here
? They replied:
We have congregated here to remember Allah Ta’ala and to praise Him for guiding us to Islam and blessing us with it
. He said: By Allah! Is this the only reason for your gathering? They replied: By Allah! This is the only reason for our gathering. He said: I had not made you swear an oath because I disbelieved you
but Jibraeel came to me and informed me that Allah Ta’ala is boasting about you before the angels.
- Narrated by Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa`i, Ibn Abi Shayba, Ahmad.
Shaikh Zakariyya’s commentary:
Mulla Ali Qari explains that Allah boasts about these people because despite having worldly engagements, natural desires, temptations and the shaitaan trying to mislead them, they do not neglect and turn away from My remembrance; then the Zikr of the angels who are faced with none of these obstacles is no comparison to their Zikr.
Hadith 3:
Abu Hurairah narrates that Rasulullah (saws) said that Allah Ta’ala says: I treat my servant according to his opinion of Me and I am with him when he remembers Me; if he remembers Me privately, I remember him privately and
if he remembers Me in public, I remember him in a gathering
(of the angels which is) better than his gathering.
- Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa`i, Ibn Majah, Ahmad.
Hadith 4:
Abu Hurairah and Abu Sa’eed (RA) testify (upon oath) that Rasulullah(saws) said:
Any group of people who engage in the Zikr of Allah
, the angels envelop them and mercy cascades upon them, tranquillity descends upon them and Allah remembers them in the presence of those who are by Him.
- Narrated by Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Abi Shaiba.
It should be noted that this Hadith applies to Zikr in the Masjid and elsewhere.
Hadith 5:
Anas (RA) narrates that Rasulullah(saws) said: When you pass the gardens of paradise then graze well. They asked: What are the gardens of paradise? He replied:
The gatherings of Zikr
Shaikh Zakariyya’s commentary:
It means that the fortunate one who has an opportunity of reaching such a gathering must feel privileged that he had an opportunity of going into a ‘garden of Paradise’ in this world. ‘Graze well’ means that just as an animal enjoys grazing in a pasture and cannot be moved away easily even if it is beaten by the owner, so too the person ‘grazing’ in the ‘gardens of paradise’ must not be quickly distracted by worldly concerns or fears but should try to remain there as long as possible. Just as Jannah is a place that is free from all sorts of calamities, so too the gatherings of Zikr are ‘safe-havens’; free from all worldly calamities. This Hadith is general and applies to a Masjid or any where else
Hadith 6:
Abdur Rahman bin Sahl bin Haneef (RA) reports that Rasulullah (saws) was in one of his homes when the following verse of the Qur’an was revealed:
“and attach yourself with those who call out to their Rabb morning and evening” 18:28
Rasulullah (saws) came forth in search of the people mentioned in this verse.
He found a group of engaged in the remembrance of Allah
; among them were those with disheveled hair and parched skin and dressed only with a single garment. He came close to them and sat down among them exclaiming: All praise belongs to Allah for having made in my Ummah such people whom (even) I have been instructed to sit with.
- Narrated by Tabarani, Ibn Jareer.
Shaikh Zakariyya’s commentary:
In one Hadith it has been narrated that he searched for them and found them at the back of the Masjid, engaged in the remembrance of Allah. He stated similar words to the above Hadith and said: You (really) are my companions in life and after death. Ibrahim Nakhai says: it refers to those who are engaged in Zikr.
Hadith 7:
Abu Darda (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (ra) said: On the Day of Qiyama certain people will be raised by Allah Ta’ala in such a manner that their faces will be illuminated and they will be seated upon thrones of pearls, envied by the people; they will neither be Messengers or Martyrs. A bedouin exclaimed: Describe them to us so that we may recognise them. He replied: Those who love each other for Allah’s sake, coming from diverse tribes and different places,
they gather for the remembrance of Allah.
- Narrated by Tabrani (as reported in Targheeb and Durr)
Shaikh Zakariyya’s commentary:
These days, lots of criticisms are hurled against people who spend time in the Khanqah (centers for Zikr and spiritual training). Let the critics condemn as much as they wish, but tomorrow when people’s eyes will open, will they realise the value of the people of the Khanqahs who will be sitting on thrones made of pearls.
In one Hadith it has been narrated that the building wherein the Zikr of Allah is done, begins to shine for the inhabitants of the sky just as the stars shine for the people on earth. Abu Razeen (RA) a companion narrates that Rasulullah said: I will show you such a thing which will strengthen you in your Deen thereby causing you to succeed in both worlds; hold fast to the gatherings of Zikr and when you are in privacy, continue to engage in Zikr.
The virtues of the gatherings of Zikr have been mentioned in numerous Ahadith. In one Hadith it has been narrated that the best safeguard is Salaah and Majalis-Zikr. All of these Ahadith are mutlaq (non-specific); they could refer to Zikr gatherings in the Masjid and elsewhere.
Hadith 8:
Abu Sa’eed Khudri (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) said: Engage so excessively in Zikr until they (wicked people) say He is mad!
- Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Ya’la, Haakim, Ibn Hibban
Shaikh Zakariyya’s commentary:
In another Hadith it has been narrated that engage so excessively in Zikr that the hypocrites call you an ostentatious person. From this Hadith it is clear that the hypocrites or foolish people may refer to you as a madman but this should not stop you from this wealth of Zikr. In fact, it is only loud and excessive Zikr that it will cause ignorant persons to regard him as a ‘madman’. Silent Zikr will not lead to this situation.
Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that Allah did not make anything compulsory without setting a limit for it or accepting an excuse for it except Zikr. As for Zikr, there are no limits and no excuses are acceptable until a person is sane; hence Allah Ta’ala mentions that engage excessively in the ‘ Zikr of Allah’ this is under all possible circumstances.
Hadith 9:
Anas (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) said: To sit with a
group of people who engage in Zikr
after Fajr until sunrise is more beloved to me than all that upon which the sun rises (i.e. all the things of this world) and from after Asr to sun set is more beloved to me than the whole world and whatever it contains.
- Narrated by Baihaqi, Isbahani
Hadith 10:
Abu Sa’eed Khudri (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) said: Allah Ta’ala will say on the Day of Judgment: Today the multitudes shall know who are the people of esteem and honour. It was asked: Who are the people of honour O Messenger of Allah? He replied:
The Majalis (gatherings) of Zikr in the Masjid
reported by Imam Suyuti in Natijatul-Fikr and Allamah Lucknowi in Sabahatul-Fikr on the authority of Ahmad, Abu-Ya’la and Ibn Hibban.
Part of an article on this issue by Shaykh 'Abdul Hafiz Makki. Tr by Mufti Zubair Bayat.
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