Where is this thread going? I started it to present a concise article by Shaykh Faraz(haf) on Sayyiduna Ibn Mas'ud and loud dhikr and people have started arguing about something completely unrelated. Imam Abul Hasanaat(rah) presented 39 narrations in his book related to the validity of jehri dhikr. Hence, even if we accept that the mawquf report under discussion is authentic and 'Amr Hamadani(rah) can somehow be passed as Shaykh Albani(rah) did, then this opinion is in contradistinction to other authentic marfu' traditions. If after this, one is not convinced of the validity of the proof adduced then he can avoid loud dhikr alone as well as in groups and stick with soft dhikr which is preferable anyways. I think that is the middle path for those whose hearts are not mutma'in with loud dhikr. Allah knows Best. Wa salamu 'alaykum.