al-Salamu 'Aleykum, Liberal, Democratic Muslims and other types, are considered Muslims until they display something that constitutes Kufr and insist on it after truth has been revealed to them, an example: A Muslims said: "We need a democratic government, we're sick of this tyranny!" I asked: "What do you mean by democratic government?" He said: "Freedom" I asked: "From what?" He replied: "From the corrupt tyrants that steal our money and take away our rights and block us from changing our rotten conditions." As you can see, I can't jump and say "You're a Kaffir!" the man after all is a Muslim who prays and he never said anything that opposes Islam or Shari'ah. So what do we conclude? we conclude that when 99% of Muslim laymen say they want "Democracy" they don't mean anything other than "Freedom" and as you know Freedom is a part of Islam and does not conflict with it. So "Democratic Muslims" and "Liberal Muslims" are just like the Shia, you can't make Takfeer on them unless you know what the heck they believe in exactly and how they define "Democracy" and so on... (I do not say they are correct, the only thing we should ask for is an Islamic Government nothing else)