And, I thought I could lay it on thick. Seriously, I know your post is sincere. Minty, have you ever considered a career in advertising? Before I worked for this advertising agency they released this commercial way back in the 1970s. They produced this commercial for Continental with risky sexual connotations for that time. However, Continental stole 14% of the L. A./Chicago business class customers from United. This commercial personally approved by CEO, Robert Six is now, advertising history studied in college classrooms! Strange how things turn out, United is absorbing Continental. Bob Six built Continental, and his wife, Audrey Meadows joined in actively. This was the time when businesses were built by people who really cared about their customer's satisfaction. Perhaps you could create this kind of thing, Minty? Long form entertaining commercials maybe coming back with the advent of more satelite channels. For now though this is apparently, a by-gone era. Where are these free-enterpriseing wheeler-dealers today? Evidently replaced with hedge fund managers. Enterprising Continental Airlines President & Chair, Robert Six, As some say, "There are no creative advertising agencies, only creative clients." The story is Robert Six saw Audrey Meadows on Jackie Gleason's Honeymooners, and decided he wanted to marry her! True or not, Robert Six was in a postion to pursue and win her hand.