1) I didn't say anything about going against the Quran and Sunnah... Going against the grain isn't going against the Quran and Sunnah... 2) It is a personal opinion... I think the Maliki madhab is more reasonable... you might think that of the Hanafi madhab, or whatever.... It is a personal opinion... The Maliki madhab agrees with my fitra.. Am I following my hawaa cause I think Maliki madhab makes more sense???? If it doesn't make sense, than it's not following one's hawaa... I am sorry if I think it makes more sense that a convert should be able make dua to his Lord in other than arabic while in sujud... In the Shafi madhab making dua in other than arabic invalidates your prayer... although it does not invalidate your prayer in the Hanafi madhab, it is forbidden to do so... The Maliki madhabs makes more sense, it seems more reasonable... Am I following my hawaa because I think that???? I don't speak arabic.... I am like why would Allah punish me for wanting to speak to Him in my language....