Assalamoalaikum. I am a teenage boy who has moved from the place of my birth to another country, a totally different country. Though we have moved here 12 years ago, i still feel that i have not melded properly into the new society. In school, i have this language problem that makes communication very difficult. In our schools, 2 languages are taught and i am weak in that language which is generally spoken by all the children. When i speak, i use really poor grammar and therefore i don't feel very confident to use it. I do no speak a lot in my school and i don't even have any good friends. I had a few in the past but all of them betrayed me in one way or the other. Now i spend most of my recess alone. I really cannot trust anyone. I have also been the subject of mockery because students think i am a study geek, whereas i am not. But people just don't seem to understand. In my house, i am the only one who performs all the religious duties . I am completely different from my other family members. I am very silent in my house too. None of my family appreciates me the way i should be. They always point out my faults, compare me to other boys and tell me how they're better than me, they disapprove of my sports, and they never agree on my ideas and suggestions and they take all my good qualities for granted. The point of all this is just to say that i fell extremely lonely at many times. I feel as though i don't belong to this world and fallen into a wrong planet where no one is good and pious and trustworthy. I know a man is never alone if he has Allah with him at all times and he can be friends with Him if he adopts Taqwa and remembers Allah but the feeling of emptiness is still there. I perform all my daily prayers with all the rakaats but i still fell depressed many a times. I am just seeking some bit of an advice from you guys. Looking forward to your replies. Thank you.