Sister, please do read the book sudoku suggested. it will help you. I remember a time, in my teenage years when I went through a traumatic time. With hindsight now and looking back at the trigger, I'm surprised that I took it as badly as I did, but to my defense, I was a teenager then so all of life's problems were hugely inflated. I had little understanding and little experience and thought noone understood my problems. The one thing that pulled me back from the brink, from the constant recitation of Surah Yusuf. I had it recorded in a beautiful, beautiful recitation by Shaykh Ahmad Ajmi and I would sit for hours in the dark and listen to it, reciting alongside. It prompted me to study the tafseer of Surah Yusuf and I would comtemplate on how great Sayyadina Yusuf's :as: problems were in comparision to my own. The sadness that I felt at his trials and tribulations and those of his father Yaqoob :as: seemed to dwarf my own and yet their trust in Allah and steadfastness was unwavering. I can honestly say that contemplating over this was what pulled me through. The words of the Quran seemed to be all the more beautiful in my sensitive state.