Haji Shakil Ahmad(db) on Tabligh, Ta'lim and Tazkiya!
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03-04-2012, 05:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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If you read the history of other Islamic movements, you will come to know that there is a life-cycle for each movement.
Beginning , peak and steady decline. Finally , vanished. May be , we are observing the phase 3 of Tablig Jamat. Assalamu alaykum
I am in TJ for decades, I am still in first phase. Everyone says TJ is still in first phase, Moulana Ilyas sahib RA said final requirement of this work is to give life in the path of Allah. I haven't seen anyone giving his life.
Secondly two types of flyes enter a garden. One is house fly and other is the honey bee. They search two different things. So one has to ponder upon what is he searching for. You get what you search. Work of TJ is like a garden, there are flowers of tazkiyah, islah, eesaar, qurbani etc. Also there are shortcomings. If one does tajassus he gets exposure to the shortcomings only.
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