I need someone to talk to.. bursting with emotions..the wrong ones. BUT WHO?
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03-06-2012, 01:10 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Here’s my advice little bro, hope you benefit
1.Never think you won’t get past this because Allah SWT is with you. Your situation is like that of a child learning to walk. Its parents watch the child struggle and fall over and over again. They let this happen not because they can’t help but because it’s for the child’s own good. In the same way, Allah SWT desires for you to grow stronger and wiser because of this ordeal; He SWT knows that through your struggle you are learning to ‘walk’, ‘run’ and ‘leap high’. Wallahu a’lam
2.Get involved with an Islamic center. Not only will helping out with the projects take these problems off your mind, you’ll also find good company, true friends you can trust
3.Find an Imam you respect and seek counsel from them instead of returning to your psychiatrist. People judging you shouldn’t put you off from doing that because it really should not matter in the tiniest bit what people think of us as long as we are pleasing Allah SWT. Barak Allah ta’aala
4.Buy a punching bag
do thikr as you punch. Resist visualizing those who angered you (that’d be sinful) and be angry at yourself instead, imagine it’s your ego you’re beating up. IMO, whenever disputes occur, we ought to feel responsible regardless of our innocence at times because even then we could’ve shown more patience and forgiveness to better the situation. Besides, it’s useless isn't it to get angry at someone when they're powerless to help or harm us anyway.
Barak Allah ta’aala little brother. Truly,
you cannot fail if you try your best
especially when Allah SWT loves and cares for us so much
. Don’t give up, you’ll make it through this
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