solitude in the crowd (khalwat dar anjuman)
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03-01-2012, 03:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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As-salamu Žalaykum,
The mere activation is definitely not enough to reach the state of "solitude among the crowd", rather it is one of many means that contributes to getting there. The reason why most turuq prescribe khalwa proper is because they understand that the human being must first give up the association with, and attachment to human beings to truly fill one's heart with Allah TaŽala, and be preoccupied with nothing save Him TaŽala. Once you come out of the khalwa, the struggle begins to remain in this state, which you will fail to do initially, so you will have to go back into khalwa regularly until you reach such a level. Let us not fool ourselves, the vast majority do not reach this level, where you are occupying not just your heart, but your entire being with Allah Ta'ala alone, undisturbed by the people and environment, although you are physically amongst them. A part from being a blessing from Allah, most people also need to struggle (and I really mean struggle) to reach anywhere near the true soltitude among the crowd.
Wa'Allahu a'lam.
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