The clever ones don't ask for money, they make the seeker feel obliged to repay them for the perceived help they are providing. [PLACEBO EFFECT ALERT!!!] [PLACEBO EFFECT ALERT!!!] [PLACEBO EFFECT ALERT!!!] If a "peer" accepts money (even without asking), He is fake. WHY? Understand money, and then you will know if the "peer" really is a walli of allah then the money is of no value in his eyes. However, things like food, Bag of flour, commitment to feed x amount of people etc... is o.k.) Real "Peers" hide form the masses, because they know people might come and do shirk, make stupid requests etc... and they could be held responsible by Allah for any sin incurred. It takes a life time to find a true walli. Like finding a needle in a field full of haystacks. people first need to protect their aqeedah and then if they come across a walli, good for them.