What books are to be learnt if you are a Shafiie's?
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03-03-2012, 05:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Al-salamu 'alaykum.
In English there isn't much apart from Umdat al-Salik, which has been translated as, 'The Reliance of the Traveller.' I am using this translation to teach some young Muslims and it is generally excellent, although the English is sometimes unclear and there are a number of mistakes in the translation. A teacher should be able to clarify things for you insha'Allah.
If you know Arabic then I would recommend this curriculum, which combines classical and modern:
Al-Masa'il al-Ta'lim (with Bushra al-Karim and/or Minhaj al-Qawim) for worship and basic marriage and transactions
Sharh al-Yaqut al-Nafis (some excellent modern issues covered in the second half of the book)
Al-Fiqh al-Manhaji (for evidences, ta'lil, hikam, etc)
Kifayat al-Akhyar (for internal differences)
Minhaj al-Talibin with Mughni al-Muhtaj (or Al-Kuhaji's abridgment, Zad al-Muhtaj)
Al-Mu'tamad fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi'i by Dr Muhammad al-Zuhayli
Beyond this is independent research into the madhab through Minhaj al-Talibin and its shuruh, Rawdat al-Talibin, Sharh al-Muhadhab, Fath al-Azizi, Mukhtasar al-Muzani and its shuruh, Kitab al-Umm and its appendices, al-Bayhaqi's works, etc.
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