No bro I must disagree with you. These filthy harbi kuffaar (disbelievers who are fighting against us) are amongst the worst creatures on earth. They slaughter Muslims (night raids, anyone?), rape our women (anyone wants to take the place of Sister Afiyah Siddiqui?), burn our Qur'an and lock up our brothers like dogs (11 Days 10 Nights all-expenses paid 'holiday' at Guantanamo Bay, anyone?). NEED I SAY MORE? The least we must do is voice our opinion clearly, let these 'soldiers' be aware that "YOU FILTHY DOGS ARE NOT WELCOME IN OUR LANDS. GET LOST OR WE WILL SEE YOU OFF IN COFFINS." Even 'teaching' them about how to behave in Afghanistan is tantamount to supporting the haraam occupation, and you get loaded with mountains of sins. Rather one's very imaan is in doubt. The best we can do has been mentioned by Allah ta'aala: Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward. (4:74) So, it's NOT right to accept the accursed soldiers of Shaitaan into a masjid, hope it makes sense. Wassalaam.