Many people think that this book doesn't contain duas but only durood however in reality the book contains a large amount of duas embedded within the durood making their chances of acceptance greatly elevated. The book is such that some scholars wrote its sharah, its commentary. It is said that the musannif used to sit at the Rauza Mubarak and finish 2 khatams of his book daily. It is said that 70-something years after his death the musannif's body was exhumed from his grave - it was in the same condition as it was when he was burried, it did not corrupt at all. The musannif set out to compose this work after an interesting incident he had experienced. He was going through a town when it was time for zuhr salaah. The shaikh was seeking water for wudhu but couldn't find it. The time for salaah was almost at end. He found a well but then was very perplexed because the water was too low to get out. Nearby a young girl age 7-9 years was watching and came up to him to ask what was wrong. The shaikh introduced himself "I am shaikh jazuli and my salaah time is going I need water to make wudhu." The girl said sarcastically "you call yourself a shaikh and you cannot get water out of a well?" And she spat into the well. Suddenly the water began to rise abundantly and he easily made wudhu and offered salaah. After salaah he set out to find the girl and upon finding her asked how did she gain this miracle power? She said by sending abundant durood and recited a particular durood. This durood the musannif has hidden into the Dalail. Some people are fortunate to know this durood. But for general public if the khatam is done once a day they will daily recite this durood without knowing it. Durood has incredible virtues. Apparently looking at it, it is a dua. So for the 1 hour 15 minutes it takes to read 1 khatam, the recitor will be in dua the entire time. 1 hour 15 min dua daily will develop a very strong nisbat connection to Allah swt. 2- the unique thing about durood which is special to it than anything else in that its acceptance is already guaranteed. It is a very special book.