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Old 03-02-2012, 05:28 AM   #34

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I really appreciate your reply but in the back of my mind I still can't stop thinking negative things. "Either this man was a Prophet and got revelations and conquered the world, or he was just a man and made everything Arab-centric because he himself was an Arab". My mind may want to beieve the former but my heart believes the latter.

I appreciate the answer and will continue to ponder.

And also, let's say today a Malagasy (from Madagascar) tribe arises and does a similar thing to the Prophet Muhammad. Would you believe their religion? Hypothetically speaking. Why or why not?

The question that you are posing has been asked time and time over, both by Muslims and non-Muslims. Its not surprising that one hears about many people every year claiming to be either a god or a prophet all over the world. You can see many people such as Sai Baba, etc in India who claim to be either god, or his appointee on the earth. But you know how successful they really are, mostly, you will find that within their lifetime, these false deities are debunked and proved phoney, cheater, charlatan, whatever, and soon after they die their evil deeds are exposed. Invariably, these cults don't become a religion and die very quickly. It takes much much more than just a charismatic leader to create a religion.

To be really honest to yourself and to your quest, you need to first have an intention of finding the truth, and then start acquiring knowledge from the Quran, Hadith and other books written by pious Aslaafs.

You need to see what Muhammad (saw) brought and how he (saw) conducted his affairs. Muhammad (saw) was given Quran AlKareem by Allah (swt). We Muslims believe that Quran AlKareem is word of Allah (swt), and its a miracile in itself. Have you ever see a book that is obiquitious and that there is no difference at all from the copy that is found in say Chile to the one found any other place on earth? Have you ever thought how can there be millions of people in the world who have memorized this book? There has to be something in there that gravitates millions of people towards this book, and makes it easy for even an illiterate person to be able to memorize this within 2-3 year with minimal effort. You can as well analyze it by reading a Tafseer.

Next thing to think would be that for over more than a thousand years, people both Muslims and non-Muslims have analyzed each and every word of Quran AlHakeem, and Hadiths or sayings and actions of RasoolAllah (saw), however, do they have to show anything against it?

Finally, you have to look at the people who really understood the teaching of RasoolAllah (saw) - the Khulafa Rasheedun (raa), and how they interacted with outside world. Do you hear any genocide taking place on poor, women, children and men, during their reign? Were they oppressive on non-Muslims and usurped their wealths and enslaved them? Was Jaziya a repressive tax? Were people who were conquered forced into Islam, or did they accpet Islam due to its beauty of equality, justice, and honesty (attributes of the conquerers)?

All this research demands a lot of sincere effort and hard work, its not possible for anyone to convince you in one post. While you are going through your research undoubtly you will have many question, to get those answered don't just go to any lay person like myself, go to a scholar - one from Deoband if you can find one.
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