I hope that our "Salafi fundamentalists" brothers will wipe out all Shi'ah-Ismaili-Alawi-Rawafid from the face of this earth. As written in another thread: "Rawafid once again trying to divide the Muslims (Salafis or "Madhhabi" Sunnis) by saying that it's only "salafi wahhabis" fighting Shi'ah and making takfir of them. This is not so, this is filthy Shia propaganda trying to win over Sunnis through anti-Salafi propaganda. Further, Salafis are 1 million times better than Shias: at least, they are Muslims; Rawafid (Alawis on top of them) are not". [http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...=1#post730917] And I still wonder how come this reza character is allowed to spread such filth on this forum...