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Old 02-28-2012, 10:53 AM   #39

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Oct 2005
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What few american soldiers did completely unacceptable for sure, but you can not be fanatic about 300 millions American. My self i always condemn American Bias foreign policy towards Muslim World. I am American Muslim as you are either Arab or Persian or whatever.By the way, fanatic Salafis like you are, giving bad names to ISLAM, killing, murdering, kidnaping with the name of religion. remember stop spreading haterate, ISLAM IS LOVE, PEACE, UNITY. now i would like to discuses on " why this site took my articles out?", because you guys can see the other people views, which we call FREEDOM OF SPEECH. lets the reader decide------ not the bunch of fanatic.---------------Anyhow, I pray for you, Allah bring peace and love in our heart for all humanbeing.
It doesn't even seem like English is your primary language. As I said in the post that you quoted, majority of people - including myself - are NOT Salafi. We are Sunnis. I'm a Sunni Hanafi. The majority of this forum is a Sunni from one of the four madhhahib.

There is no unity with those that insult the sahaba or the pure wives of Rasoolullah .

And it's funny how you're willing to find a million excuses for the kuffar but make broad generalizations about Muslims.
AntonioMQ is offline


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