Hazrat Shaikh, Please transfer this to the ta'addud thread and we can have a decent peaceful discussion about whether a person is required to do such adl by shariat or not. We can also discuss the definition of ADL defined clearly by great Imams of Fiqh. We can also discuss the practice of our Nabi and Sahaba insha'Allah. I would like to discuss this paragraph particularly: But only if you people don't come pounding on me saying i'm a Gustaakh. I have some questions regarding this paragraph, if you allow me to ask. But one question I'd like to ask is: The practice of our Nabi , The practice of Sahaba, The ayat of Quran, the tafseer of it encouraging us, The hadith of Ibn e Abbas , all the great imams and fuqaha, everyone aside. All this on one side. All this is put in the back because of a saying of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummah rahimahullah. IS THIS FAIR? Is this the true image of Islam you want to portray?