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Old 02-27-2012, 01:00 AM   #6

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Human beings are creatures of their environment, and when we are young we are very foolish, it is only Allah swt who protects a person and guides them. Most of us are bound to fall into bad habits unless we are very fortunate. As you say none of us are perfect. You must forgive your sister, just like we all hope to be forgiven by Allah for all our wrong doing on the Last Day.

Your sister needs your guidance, given in a non hostile, non judgemental manner. Many Muslim girls are naive and live in a fantasy world, it is a failure of Muslim parents me included in educating our children. They think having men admire you and being popular is important, if we were educated to believe in self fulfilment and being self aware we would not feel like this. Young girls tend to have a deep need to be noticed and admired...if they knew that they have a treasure within their own soul they would not care what others think of them. This way of being has been put into us by the state school system and we need to be aware of this and build our defences against it. Someone might say that Muslim Girls schools also produce similar characters...which may be true, but this too is because of the general environment in which we live. We are kept dumb and dependent by the state and its various systems.

May we all be Guided to the Truth, Protected, Forgiven and given Peace. Ameen
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