Cant bare too look at my younger sister :(.. my feelings and emotions.
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02-27-2012, 04:54 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Let's cut to the chase young brother.
Do you practice what you preach
Are you ensuring salat and azaan is done five times a day
Do you have a set time to have the family sit down and read some Quran / Hadith as a family
Do you have a halal and safe environment for all members of the famiy
If you have ever physically or mentally abused your sister or others in the family realize you are at "fault"
Your post shows some serious metal health issues and abusive mannerisms. Fix yourself before you preach to others
I will sum this up simply
1. Your sister is a woman by her age in Islam
2. You cannot force or abuse her in anyways
3. Abusing and forcing someone to ***love*** Islam. Will never ever work
You act as if this simple issue is the end of the world when innocent people are being slaughtered or simply believing in Allah and his beloved prophet pbuh
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