Assalaamu 'alaykum ww A very comprehensive and informative opening post, specially the first part regarding reviving the sunnah. Jazaakallah. I do however have to say that I strongly feel that all our discussions (on any topic) should be such that they become a means of da'wah to those of our Muslim brethren who are not so much on the Deen and non Muslims as well. This can only be done when with the will of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala we use both “Hikmat” (where we do NOT compromise our Deen at all and declare the truth without fear) and “Maw-’ithatil hasanah” (beautiful speech). It should not be so that it makes readers turn away from the beauty of Islamic teachings. This, in no way whatsoever means that we cover the truth or make excuses and go on the defensive mode. Insha Allah it can be done. ......Ta’addud, like any other sunnah is definitely a solution to many problems. I’d like to try and explain how it is for women. May Allah subhaanahu wata’ala make it beneficial..... I do believe from talks with many sisters that the majority of them accept polygamy as part of Deen and do not have issues with it to the extent that it jeopardises their Deen. The stronger the connection the more accepting the woman will be despite the grief and heartache and whether she "likes" it or not she will make adjustments just as she would if she lost a loved one through death. Of course there are women who will oppose it and fight it just as they would oppose any other shar'ee command due mostly to ignorance, anti Islamic propagation and modern thinking and a weak connection with Allah and His Rasool sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way. I'm just trying to put forward the feelings of women which has been overlooked or misunderstood by many brothers during these discussions as many accusations were levelled at women. Generalising and assumptions caused a lot of bad feelings which I felt could've been avoided and to add salt to the wound a lot of joking took place, some of which was in bad taste and very “unIslamic”. I beg Allah subhaanhu wata’ala to correct me if I'm wrong