Al A'mash's Ironic Sense of Humor!
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02-17-2012, 05:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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6 - It is said that al-A'mash had a son who was very slow, and he told him: "Go buy a rope for us to hang our clothes on." The boy asked: "How long do you want it to be, father?" He replied: "Ten cubits long." The boy then asked: "How wide do you want it to be?" al-A'mash replied: "As wide as my bad luck with you!" This one is hilarious^
10 - One time, a soldier wanted to cross a river. He came across al-A'mash, who was standing near the river, so he jumped on his back and had him walk through the water. When he jumped on al-A'mash, he recited 'Glory to Him Who has provided this for us' (سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا - the supplication for riding a vehicle). When al-A'mash had gotten half way across the river, he threw the soldier off of his back, recited {"…My Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing-place, for You are the best of those who bring to land…"} [al-Mu'minun; 29] and left him in the river and ran away.
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