Is it right to pray that all Muslims enter Jannatal Firdows when we know from
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02-15-2012, 11:31 AM
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Nov 2005
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Just as in worldy life if also makes sense for our aspirations in the Akhira
to Expect the best and prepare for the worst.
People much better then any of us are always concerned about not being in the other place. How beautiful and amazing is Allah who makes the heart of his most beloved servants such that they do not think of themselves deserving of paradise.
You will find good muslims like these not just concerned about themselves but the whole of Ummah and humanity . They want the same for others
and they want for others .
Whats more amazing they want for others much better then what they
think they themselves deserve. When they see something good coming to others in this world they feel grateful even though its not given to
them. Its the same for them when they want for others in Akhira the best even though in their mind they are not worthy of those themselves.
Allah I wish I have a small amount of what these peoples hearts are made
of before I die.
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