Is it right to pray that all Muslims enter Jannatal Firdows when we know from
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02-16-2012, 06:41 PM
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Nov 2005
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On topic, I feel one should concentrate on increasing our love for Allah Ta'aala (through following His commands and keeping away from sins) otherwise we might lose the focus. Nothing brings you closer to Allah then loving his creations .
The question really is not How do we love Allah but How do we become worthy of Allah's love . Only when Allah loves someone do he make them worthy of loving him.
This is the most difficult IBADAH to achieve .
Being generous and loving to Allah's creations in a way which is just and deserving of his attention.
This is the wisdom handed down to us through centuries of generations by the very best people of this Ummah . The Ashekin ( lovers of Allah )
achieved their status this way.
We might not be able to achieve their standard but whatever we try will not be unaccounted for.
You want Allah to forgive you , Forgive his creations and be patient .
You want the best in the Akhira and Here , want the same for all his creations.
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