Is it right to pray that all Muslims enter Jannatal Firdows when we know from
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02-17-2012, 05:27 AM
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Dec 2005
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We should pray that Allah (SWT) unites the ummah in justice and compassion and that he grants us all jannah. We should also remember that Gaddafi did not get to his position (nor did any other oppressor) on their own. When it comes to jannat, who are we to judge his Islam, mental state or actions? By doing so, by placing those conditions, exclusions, discriminations, we're in a sense making a statement that is a little wrong, don't you agree? I mean, it is as if
are dictating who should and shouldn't be allowed entry based on our VERY limited understanding. Allah (SWT) is the
judge. Instead, if you are inclined to think of such matters, I would urge you to remember that there must have been people who loved him and were hurt by his actions but also of the actions against him; think of his mother instead (I don't know anything about her but like to imagine she was filled with the same emotions I feel towards my son).
Only Allah (SWT) knows and He will bring us back in perfection so these feelings you have now, may not be present then. And only Allah (SWT) knows.
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