Asalamu alaykum bro's and sis's, im a fellow muslim who is a somali, but i have one important question brothers and sisters. In the Somali peninsula, just as south from yemen, accross the gulf of aden, reside a tribe called the Is'haaq/Is'haaqiyoun, who i apparently im in. Us Somalis who are from the tribe of Is'haaq , believed that we are descendents and members of the Ahlul-Bayt. The founder of this tribe passed away not too long ago. Sheikh Is'haaq ibn Ahmad (R.A) was a Arab scholar and was born in Hadhramaut, his father was born in Madina al-Munwara, and his Grandfather Muhammad bin Hussein was born in Samara, Iraq. Brothers and Sisters, i am not the best in Arabic, but this is text off an old book which has information on Sheikh Is'haaq's grandfather i think. It'll be a great favour if you translate this: Sheikh Is'aaq Ibn Ahmed in modern Somalia were known as far as the 523 A.H 1127/1128 A.D, almost eight centuries ago, Mohammed Hassan Al- Basri in a short biography written some times during his return to Damascus from the horn of Africa wrote about the journey of Sheikh Is'haaq from Mukha to Zayla, in his manuscript titled ' Al-Asjad Al-Mandum Li-Taariikh Wal-Uluum' presently housed in the Al-Dahiriya historical library of Demescus, Al-Basri detailed the life of Sheikh Is'haaq both in Yemen/Zayla and later Mait where he eventually settled with his tow wives and children and where presently his tomb is located. There are at least six books mentioning either Sheikh Is'haaq or one of his ancestors to claim all these documentation are fantasies manufactured on behalf of the Isaaq clan during the 12th century by Arab historians is far fetched non sense, These books are 1- Al-Dur Al Muntakhab Fi Alaqab Wal-asab (12 century manuscript) by unkown author. 2-Al Casjad Al-Manduum Li-Taariikh Wal-culuum (12 century manuscript) by - Maxamed Hasan Al-Basri , 50 pages. Location, Al-Maktaba al-Daahiriya Suuq al Hamiidiya , Dimashq Suriya. 3- Al-3asjad Al Manduum by Sharif Ahmed Muhammad Qaasim Al Gheribaani Yemen A Hashimi historian of Yemen (1910). 4- Thamrat Al-Mushtaaq Fi Manaaqib/Nasab al-Sheekh/Sayid Is'haaq by Sharif Aydarus Sharif Ali Al-Aydarus 1947. (d 1347 H.A.) Also the author of Bughyat Al-Amaal Fi-Taariikh Al Soomaal.Possile location Madba3at 3abaadi Wa-Abnaauh, Yemen, San'a. 5- Adhwaa 3alaa Taariikh Al-Soomaal by Shariif Maxamed 3aydarus (1932-1999) The ex-mayor of Maqudisho during the last elecion in Somalia 1968. 6-Kitaab Fatx Al-Baab Fi Al-Ansaab Wal-Alaqaab by 3abdialma3alim Ibn Yuusuf known as 'Baabin Sayidih'. As for his lineage it goes as: 1. Isaaq 1. إسحاق 2. bin Ahmed 2. بن احمد 3. Bin Mohammed 3. بن محمد 4. Bin Hussien 4. بن حسين 5. Bin Ali 5. بن علي 6. Bin Mudhar 6. بن المطهر 7. Bin Abdalla 7. بن عبد الله 8. Bin Ayup 8. بن ايوب 9. Bin Mohammed 9. بن محمد 10. Bin Qasim 10. بن قاسم 11. Bin Ahmed 11. بن احمد 12. Bin Ali 12. بن علي 13. Bin Eisa 13. بن عيسى 14. Bin Yahya 14. بن يحيى 15. Bin Mohammed Al Taqi 15. بن محمد التقي 16. Bin Ali Al Hadi 16. بن علي الهادي 17. Bin Mohammed Al Jawad 17. بن محمدالجواد 18. Bin Ali Al Reda 18. بن علي الرضا 19. Bin Musa Al Kathim 19. موسى الكاظم 20. Bin Jafar Al Sadiq 20. بن جعفر الصادق 21. Bin Mohammed Al Baqir 21. بن محمدالباقر 22. Bin Ali Zainal Al Abiden 22. بن علي زين العابدين 23. Bin Imam Al Hussien 23. بن الامام الحسين 24. Bin Ali 24. بن على 25. Bin Abu Dalib 25. بن أبوطالب 26. Bin Abdulmuddalib 26. بن عبدالمطلب 27. Bin Abdulmanaf 27. بن عبدالمناف 28. Bin Hashim 28. بن هاشم I count these much names to Sheikh Ish'aaq. 1. ***** 2 ***** 3 ***** 4 ***** 5 ***** 6 ***** 7 ***** 8 ***** 9 ***** 10 Son of Gadīd 11 Son of Yōnis 12 Son of Nūḥ 13 Son of Ismaʿīl 14 Son of Jibrīl 15 Son of Ḥusayn 16 Son of Abubakr 17 Son of Is'ḥaaq 18 Son of Saʿad 19 Son of Mūsa 20 Son of Subayr 21 Son of ʿAbdalraḥmān (Habar Awal) 22 Son of Shaykh Isāq. I'd like to see your point of view, wasalamu alaykum, warahmatullahi wa barakatu.