PS: I wonder whether brother Hussain visits the Forum now a days - but you anyway have made this thread alive.
One of these days I had actually planned on making a thread on Maulana Saeed Akbarabadi rh, but bro Maripat & bro Abu Tamim, don't mind, I have his book 'the rise and fall of muslims' of which I read about a 100 pages or so and put it down (didn't continue reading it) 'coz I felt my love and respect for the Sahaba ra was going down. But then it could be just me who felt it in such a way, but... I can do without such knowledge. I was actually planning to burn this book as I thought the author (Ml Saeed rh) was not from ASWJ. That book does not give any intro on the Maulana, infact, the cover just says 'Saeed Akbarabadi' and the 2nd page says 'Maulana Saeed Akbar Abadi'
It will be very nice if that explanation becomes available to public because this is a point which is very delicate. And I completely agree with your sensitivities also.