An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
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01-29-2009, 03:00 PM
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An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in the early 90’s while resident in New York. My subsequent public lectures on the subject never failed to provoke keen interest from my Muslim audiences in several parts of the world. The evidence and arguments presented in the chapter on Gog and Magog in my book, ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, succeeded in convincing many who read the book that we now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. They were easily convinced that the ‘town’ mentioned in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ (21:95-6) was Jerusalem and hence, that Gog and Magog (and Dajjāl) explained the ominously unfolding ‘war on Islam’ with slaughter and destruction of Muslims in so many parts of the world. As a consequence, such readers also understood Israel’s mysterious imperial agenda, and many have been making efforts to extricate themselves and their families from the embrace of Gog and Magog – an embrace that will take 999 out of every 1000 of mankind into the hellfire.
Despite my best efforts, however, I failed miserably, again and again, to convince my learned peers, the scholars of Islam, that Gog and Magog were even released into the world. I earnestly hope and pray that this book might make a difference Insha’ Allah.
Islamic Scholar Imran N Hosein
Download An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
Introduction by Dr Tamman Adi
Chapter One:
* The Importance of 'Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age'
* Appearance and reality are opposite to each other
* Can all of these events be occurring by accident?
* Responding to Islamic sectarianism
Chapter Four:
* A Profile of Gog and Magog
* The Qur'an introduces the subject of Gog and Magog
* Gog and Magog are human beings
* A double-faced people who are capable of swift motion
* Possess extraordinary military power
* Use 'power' to oppress
* Make possible the return of people to their 'town'
* Absorb mankind into their global godless melting pot
* Can wage 'star wars'
* Would target Arabs in particular for oppression
* Would be sent/raised only after Jesus ('alaihi al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed Dajjal?
* Consume an excessive amount of water
* Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee
* Will take most of mankind into the hellfire hence they are an essentially godless and sinful people
* Are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj
Chapter Two:
* Methodology of study
* The Qur'an sits in judgement on the Had?th and not vice-versa
* Need to locate 'system of meaning'
* Methodology of explaining the Qur'an through application and analysis of external data
* Gog and Magog in other scriptures
Chapter Five:
* Identifying Gog and Magog
* Gog is the Anglo-American-sraeli alliance and Magog is Russia
* Winston Churchill identifies Gog and Magog
Chapter Three:
* Explaining terminology
* The end of the material universe
* The end of history
* The Key to the subject of the Last Hour
* W 'ad al-akhirah (The Last Warning)
Chapter Six:
* Have Gog and Magog been released into the world as yet?
* Search for the barrier
* The strange world today
* The Judeo-Christian alliance
* Hadith reveals Gog and Magog's release
* Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee
* Hadith linking Gog and Magog to Jerusalem
* Iqbal, Ansari and Said Nursi
Chapter Seven:
* Implications of the Release of Gog and Magog
* Stages of Release of Gog and Magog into the world
Chapter Eight:
* Conclusion
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