An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
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01-30-2009, 01:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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it is a gross inaccuracy to attribute Gog and Magog to one of the current countries/nations of the world, and to assume that they have been released, and to make the narrations of the future a subject of ever changing interpretations, landing in a wide variance from what really the narrations have meant.
the correct orthodox sunni position is that Gog and Magog are yes from the children of Adam, but they have been sealed inside the earth by a wall constructed by Dhul Qarynain. Before this sealing they used to come out and cause havoc to civilizations nearby. They are populating the earth's interior, and they are so numerous that for each one of us there is 99 of them, and none of them dies but leaves behind him many many offsprings. Every day they try to dig out their way out of the wall, but the next day they return back to square one, until one day when they would say by the will of Allah, and then they would succeed to cause an opening and spread out on earth causing destruction, and this will happen during the time of sayidina 'Isa ibn Maryam 3layes salam.
Those who give other interpretations that oh the Chinese, or the East Asians, or the Russians, or any other nation that we see on the surface of the earth, are Gog and Magog, are grossly mistaking :
-because the Gog and Magog that we know are sealed, whereas these other nations are out on the surface,
-before the coming of this Gog and Magog great events are going to happen, Muslims are to conquer Rome and Europe in the West, and India in the East, and their capital will be Jerusalem, and these successes will enrage the Dajjal/AntiChrist who will appear to the world scene for 40 days, gathering all the Jews to retake Jerusalem, claiming to be their Messiah, and as he would be preparing for a final showdown with Muslims in the greater Syria, Sayidina 'Isa ibn Maryam will come down and fight him, and destroy him and his army, he will rule the earth, and the muslims will go back to their nations, and will be in this time
that the Gog and Magog
will come out and the Muslims will flee and take refuge with 'Isa ibn Maryam on the Mountain close to Jerusalem, and they will invoke Allah, who by His mercy will cause their death and perishing.
Now to say that certain nations of today are Gog and Magog and their affliction has become apparent, how are they going to explain the presence of 'Isa ibn Maryam in the midst of Muslims and his rule, as the narrations speak, as a preceeding event before the release of Gog and Magog?
it should be known that there are some credible scientific research that point out that the earth in its interior is hollow, has its own energy/nourishing resources, has deep and wide caves, and is as habitable as its surface, and can hold civilizations and millions of people. In fact it is amazing to note that we have in our Islamic traditions, narrations that state the earth is of seven layers and there are inhabitants on those earths,where for them the upper layers of the earth is as amazing, as for us are the skies and what it contains, and in fact many of the ancient legends like those of Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, ancient Anglo Saxon, Nordics etc., all talk about civilizations inside the earth and some of their interaction with the people on the surface.
In fact the likes of Goblins, Elves, and their mass reports/sightings by different peoples/cultures at different times, could have some truth to their myths, and if these are human like creatures living inside the earth, then so could the Gog and Magog, who are still there in millions digging out their way out, but only be able to come out when its time truely comes, after great events that would happen on earth.
These could be related to the Gog and Magog:
and remember as Qadhi Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi has said that if there are mass reports about the same thing by many people, then it is authentic, as in mass reports the iman of the transmitters are not taken into account, as the possibility of lies in very minimal.
Also search on youtube for vidoes on "hollow earth" and there are many amazing matters that normal science wont talk about.
There are many aspects of this planet of ours and its inhabitants we as of yet dont even know, and the knowledge that we have of matters is but a very few, so just we have a partiality of knowledge of something, doesnt mean we should go and conclude for the whole picture and make claims like those of the evangelics and zionists who always change around their prophecies and place them out of contexts just so that it could suit their limited views of matters.
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