An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
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01-31-2009, 08:25 AM
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Oct 2005
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wa iyyakum khair al jaza my dear brothers sahih baba and GenN, may Allah bless both of you, our dear brother mogamdza and everyone else on this board.
Dear brother mogamdza, i have read the book shaykh imran hossein years ago, and i do have a familiarity of the arguements that have been raised, and most respectfully I disagree with them. The arguements presented dont stand what the authentic traditions from our dearest Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam imply, traditions that are as important as the Quranic verses and should not be discounted. in reply to your questions:
firstly about the proof that Gog and Magog are inside the earth, here is the narration:
Abu Hurairah reports from the Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam : "Verily the Gog and Magog
dig out
the barrier every day, until they reach the point where they see the
beams of the sun
through the walls, their leader/head informs the others," lets return and we will complete the digging next day", and so when the next day comes the situation of the dig becomes as harsh as the day before. (and so they resume digging again) until comes their appointed time, when Allah wills to send them on the people, at that time they will dig until they see the beams of the sun(from the opening caused in the dig) and their head/leader would say to them," let us return and we will resume our dig the next day by the will of Allah," and so when the next day comes they will find the situation exactly as they left it the day before,so they will complete their digging, and out they come on the people/or gush out on the people (yukhrajuna 3lan nas') , and they will drink out the water sources, and the people will take sheild behind fortresses, and the Gog and Magog will throw their arrows on the sky which will return back them will traces resembling blood. And so when they see this they will say, "We have defeated the people of the earth, and we have got dominance over the inhabitants of the sky," and so Allah will send upon them an infliction that will kill them."
Reported by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, and also at Thirmidhi is his Jami'.
Note the following:
-They dig out on a daily basis from a place that has no sunlight, in so much when they reach a point where they see the beams of sun they stop, clearly indicating that they are in realm of the underworld or underneath the earth digging upwards, and no other nation that is mighty or numerous on the surface on the earth is known for doing the practice of continuous digging of a certain barrier for generations.
-the hadith mentions when the day comes when they accomplish their dig, they will "yokhrajun" which lingustically means as as if they are swarming out from something below to a surface or something above, or coming out from something that has enveloped.
-their age will witness them drinking out water resources. In fact one hadith from the sahih muslim it is understood that when their first group start drinking from the lake of tiberias, and as they finish and the turn for their last one reaches, they will comment that there once used to be a lake here( in Tiberias' place), indicating their huge swarming numbers that would march forth. this is further indicated by the saying of the Prophet sallahu 3laye wasalam as mentioned in Musnad of Imam Ahmad, "by the one in whose hands Muhammad sallahu 3laye wasalam soul rests, the creatures of the earth will be fattened, and will be grateful for what they will find of meat and blood of the dead hordes of Gog and Magog."
So their hordes and great numbers are unlike what is known of the nations of world.
-People at that age take sheild in fortresses, indicating a shift in technology, and lifestyles, which is contrary to the situation we see today, and is an indicator people are going to return back to simpler lifestyles like the ancients when these great events are to happen.
added to this an authentic narration from sahih muslim states that when Esa ibn Maryam (as) comes and kills the dajjal, Allah will reveal to him that He is going to release Gog and Magog which no one would be able to fight, and so he would gather the people in a mountain and seal themselves there.
As for what you have quoted :
We need to evaluate the Hadith against the Quran. Those that conflict with the Quran should be given a secondary status in the study of the subject.
Allah subhanahu wata'aala promised to preserve the Holy
ur’ān. But He did not promise to preserve Hadith (reports about
hat the blessed Prophet of Islam said or did) or tafseer (Qur’ān
mmentary). The confusion about Gog and Magog results from
o sources:
1. accepting errors and omissions in tafseer
2. accepting false ahadeeth (hadiths) or hadith
misinterpretations that are contrary to the Qur’ān
The latter problem can be resolved by adhering to the
principle that all ahadeeth must be based on the Holy Qur’ān.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya rahimahullah was a prolific scholar
of Qur’ān and Hadith. He memorized the Qur’ān and countless
ahadeeth, and was able to instantly recall all the verses and
ahadeeth on any subject. He confirmed the above-mentioned
principle in his Fatawa and stated that for every good hadith he
knew, he was able to cite one or more Qur’ān verses upon which
that hadith was based. The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam
would state a hadith (containing a decision, a judgment, or an
instruction) and then he would cite a supporting Qur’ān verse. The
Companions of the Prophet, radiyallahu 'anhum, regularly used
this method.
Dr Tamman Adi - Introduction, Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the modern World it is something very known to all those who have some familiarity with the principles of fiqh, that the Quran and the hadith stand at a similiar significance, and are mutually given a primary status. The hadith is an extension and explanation of the Quran, as Allah says in His book that He brought down the Kitab and the Hikmah, the book(Quran) and the Hikmah/wisdom( Prophetic sunnah ) both from Allah swt. the Quranic verses should be read and explained in the context of the Prophetic understanding, as the fuqaha have said without the hadith, the Quran is incomplete and both of them have an equal standing. No authentic established hadith should be discounted, and if someone does that out of jah'd(deep refusal) knowingly, then according to Qadhi Iyad he/she is out of Islam.
The hadith of 'Isa ibn Maryam being in the midst of Muslims before the coming of the Gog and Magog, is one of the most authentic hadith, whose establishment and validity is of the highest degree amongst all orthodox sunni scholars & transmitters, whose ijma has been promised to be under Allah's guidance according to our dear Prophet 3layes salat wasalam, and for this reason imam Muslim collected it in his sahih. To discount this highly authentic narration just to promote a heterodox exegesis, is nothing but an innovation of the worst kind.
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