it is something very known to all those who have some familiarity with the principles of fiqh, that the Quran and the hadith stand at a similiar significance, and are mutually given a primary status. The hadith is an extension and explanation of the Quran, as Allah says in His book that He brought down the Kitab and the Hikmah, the book(Quran) and the Hikmah/wisdom( Prophetic sunnah ) both from Allah swt. the Quranic verses should be read and explained in the context of the Prophetic understanding, as the fuqaha have said without the hadith, the Quran is incomplete and both of them have an equal standing. No authentic established hadith should be discounted, and if someone does that out of jah'd(deep refusal) knowingly, then according to Qadhi Iyad he/she is out of Islam. .