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Old 02-13-2012, 12:21 PM   #14

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Take care of the Imaan / Deen and everything will be taken care of. All other 'dunyavi' measures will fail or they may only give temporary relief. But WILL fail eventually.

True bro, in a way that's the highest order, but still, there are millions of other things that need deeper work...directly confronting the problem and the issues are required... for ex, there are lots of people who say and do great things about tawakkul, sacrifice etc., but indulge in gheebat, behave badly with facet is ok and praiseworthy, the second facet is bad and casts doubts on the credibility of the first facet...

Likewise, there are problems of ummah where ummah wont come to listen to our talks of eeman becoz they are so much disturbed in those problems....also, having a wholistic approach is needed, our work of tabligh is a panacea to many ills and is one of the most important and foundational works one can be associated with..but there are many, many, many other facets in the societal, familial, financial, political and spiritual (as well!), lives of the ummah that needs focused, dedicated effort, with similar vigor and iqlaas....not just working on some aspects of eeman and deen and hoping the rest will take care of itself, for everyone involved....the entire ummah cant be assumed to be of a single temparament, and capacities differ!

forgive me if i mistook your advise to what some brothers of tabligh end up doing - think of tabligh as the only effort needed for the ummah as the cure for every ill and need...
occafeVes is offline


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