Salam Alaykum, I agree that comparatively small disputes concerning delicate Fiqhi matters are strange for those Muslims who see the disasters that are taking place in the field of Muslims vs. non-Muslims. However, there are some issues that are of importance when discussing with certain groups. For example, when it comes to Qur'an-only people, their objections have to be studied deeply because we have to learn to appreciate how knowledge is transmitted in Islam, and what is the level of correctness of the reports we have from the Prophet (SAW), and how it relates to deducing rulings and the fundamentals of belief in Islam. Also, when it comes to Twelver Shias, we have to really stress the same matter we have with Quranists, since they live in a conspiracy-driven world where information passed by person to person is more believable that contradicting evidence from masses of people transmitting to other masses of people. Also of importance are the discussions we have with the anthropomorphists hiding amongst the Muslims, since many times their arguments are basically the same as those of Hindus, Christians, etc., and at the very least we would learn how to refute the supposed "Islamic evidence" they may bring forth on anthropomorphism.