Muslim apologetics ! Islam NEEDS it today or else . . . !!!!!!!!!
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02-13-2012, 08:46 PM
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Nov 2005
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Dr Zakir Naik said that it is sufficient to prepare answer to about a score of questions (only twenty questions) - and that he has done himself. His answers are available in a booklet and then there are lectures also. After that there is enough material available on the net to engage even the most dogged Christian evangelist - by the permission of Allah(SWT). It depends what one wishes to do. If one wants to remove the doubts from the minds of the Muslims, then Insha Allah this will be enough. If we are talking about non-Muslims coming to Islam, I personally think a more in-depth approach has to be taken.
Of course, the coming of the people into Islam is all due to the turning of the hearts by Allah (and so is the one who remains within Islam only be to remain because Allah has blessed him with this favor), but from the point of view of the arguments that we can provide (the only job we can do from our side), I think that the philosophical justifications of other religions can be studied in depth by those who are capable of doing so (such as the 'Ulama), and Insha Allah in that way perhaps more people may see the strength of Islam and that we are extremely serious about the way we present Islam.
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