Why is divorce so easy?
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02-03-2012, 11:26 PM
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Oct 2005
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In human terms, in terms of any notion of justice, the unilateral, arbitrary and whimsical right of a Muslim male to divorce his wife in an instant – a letter, telegram, telephone, telex, fax even an SMS would do – cannot be described as anything but inhuman and anti-women.
In rational terms it defies any definition of justice or equity. Triple talaq l because it is so blatantly unjust, unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory.
Even theologically, it is difficult to digest the position long held by the ulema and that Though bad in theology (sinful), triple talaq is good in law".
What this means in simple terms is that the moment a Muslim male utters talaq, talaq, talaq, his wife becomes unlawful to him, even if he has uttered those words under coercion, in a fit of rage or in a drunken state and regrets his utterance the very next moment. The only way out for the couple to resume their marital relation, the ulema say, is through halala: the woman must marry someone else, consummate the marriage, get the second husband to divorce her and then remarry the first husband.
It is repeatedly claimed, that justice and equality are the key social message of Islam. How can the practice of triple talaq be squared with any notion of justice or equity?
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