Why is divorce so easy?
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02-06-2012, 01:50 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Some words of encouragement at the end after silly argument in the middle. Thankyou.
If divorce and reconciliation has happened twice, so now it's third srike and it's over, can the husband put any conditions on himself about issuing a third and irrevocable divorce in future, knowing his temperament, family situation, knowing he doesn't want a marriage break-up i.e. would it be permissible and valid for a husband to say/write or say in front of witnesses that a talaq by him is issued only after he has written down the words or are such conditions not valid in shariah After all it is extremely easy to get pen and paper and write down then and there, as easy as saying but just requiring more effort and therefore consideration. It is not as if divorce has become difficult for the husband if that is what he truly really intends.
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