Bismillah I like Mufti Ebrahim Desai but it doesn't mean he has sole monopoly. One has to look at the present day situation instead of simply opting for a classical view where shariah is implement in full and islam dominates the land. It is no longer the case and forced believer to opt for alternative solution. I for one think muslimah need to become self sufficient as long as it does not mean compromising ones iman. Interaction between male and female can't be avoided unless, one prefers their daughter to be cooped up in a dingy room with no avenues for sunlight. Such view is expected from missogonist and it is not surprising their children live a dual life and suffering from depression. According to the view aired by the tow brothers, they should also not leave the house lest they fall into fitnah. I find it nausiating that whenever issues are disscussed the term fitnah fear mongering takes the lead. I would request such people to leave UK and go back to their Shariah implemented utopic entities where grass is greener and all is hunky dorey. Muslim should also realise not to rely on their children once they get old. Tims has been changing for worse and instead of dealing with it, we procastrinate in the hope of brighter future in a gloomy world. Allahualam